Support rapid decision-making within software engineering teams

5 mini journey flows flowing into a larger journey map
Snippet of over 16 journey's collected and compiled into one large map with all challenges and opportunities highlighted and strategies extracted
sketch profiles from the current industry for edge computing
Compilation of "sketch profiles" collected from current industry job postings 
a deeper view from miro of the site reliability engineer, the tools they use throughout their flow and the people they engage with
Deeper research into sketch persona of Site Reliability Engineers, flows, objectives, goals, challenges, who they work with, all the tools that could support them throughout their journey
slide with various boxes spread out with problem statement, propsed solution, value proposition and other key items
Lean UX canvas used for capturing details to gain alignment and support strategy (blurred for confidentiality)
layout of a page from the DX stragtegy presented for the first goal: if it doens't add value it's waste
Snip of presentation of DX Strategy for Smart Edge
visuals of steps for onboarding smart edge with icons and steps laid out
Visuals provided for GitHub docs to help with complex onboarding
walkthrough of various paths roles took through testing paths taken by users
Snip of report out from testing showing the various paths taken but reference implementations selected majority of the time as the starting place.
page of various screeshots of webpages with blue notes calling attention to various parts
Competitive analysis of various alternatives and layouts of their sites

Impact & Results

I led the end-to-end Developer Experience Assessment (DXA) for Intel’s OpenNESS Edge product, which drove the significant transformation of the product and raising developer satisfaction to meet the MVP target of 75%. Using this and additional research I created a DX Strategy which expanded into rebranding, redesigning, and enhancing the developer experience. This played a key role in reshaping the product’s direction and engagement within the niche market of edge developers. This success led to my appointment to establish a developer experience program for the Network Platform Group.

Problem Statement

The Smart Edge product required a comprehensive rebranding post-DXA results and an architectural overhaul, demanding a deep understanding of the existing challenges and opportunities. With the edge developer community making up only 3% of developers, gathering relevant insights and designing an effective developer experience strategy was both complex and urgent. The challenge was to create a cohesive strategy that addressed these issues in a fast-paced environment, ensuring the product’s success in a niche market.

Process & Approach

To tackle this project, I leveraged the all insights from the DXA. I conducted in-depth meetings with over 16 roles to gather diverse perspectives and mapped these insights into a consolidated journey. From this, I identified five key experience principles to guide the Developer Experience (DX) strategy. I also collaborated with a content strategist to perform a content audit fo the product documentation, created sketch profiles based on job postings and LinkedIn data, and used a Lean UX canvas to help extract key business objectives with the Product Managers and helped to develop a detailed strategy. This approach enabled a focused and well-informed DX strategy that addressed the unique needs of edge developers. 

Tools & Methods

ISO-9241-11 Google HEART
Developer Experience Framework
LinkedIn | Indeed | Dev Jobs Boards
Lean UX Canvas
GitHub Pages
Adobe Creative Suite

Leveraged IOTG DX Assessment which leveraged UX industry standards 
I hand-scraped through various job postings and developer profiles for sketch personas
I procured a Lean UX canvas for collaboration and extraction of product goals and objectives
I interviewed various roles to collect and visualize the journey and it's it's opportunities and challenges in Miro
I communicated the strategy through powerpoint
I brought in a UX content specialist and worked with them to overhaul and convert the docs site into GitHub Pages and provide some visuals for guidance
I created a prototype of the future GitHub pages in Axure to verify and user test. 
I used Adobe Creative Suite for all creative assets to support all sites and GitHub and new Product Page for
Conducted developer testing and reported out results and added a competitive analysis as part of the recommendations.