Manufacturing Support

Quality Business Solutions - Corporate Quality Network 2014-2015


Assisted the Technology & Manufacturing Group's Corporate Quality Network with fab application designs for tools that aid in wafer analytics, material disclosures, supplier disclosures, compliance verdicts, and product ecology.


I directed and oversaw workgroups that consisted of subject matter experts, users, developers, and project teams, in order to develop workflows, construct prototypes, validate and evaluate designs.


Designed and led the development of applications using user-centered methodologies for manufacturing, supplier and compliance tools. Various applications were built and/or improved, examples of which are showcased below.

Prototype used for creation of a full material disclosure form (shown at the top of the page and above)
Heuristic Evaluation of old and new wafer analytics tools (left old tool with many failing basic usability guidelines, right, the new tool where improvements were made)
Project Valuation Wizard - entering project requests made by project managers
 Prototype designed, built, tested, validated
UX Testing report out of usabilty testing with users for wafer tracking system
Sample segment of Declaration of Conformity form builder tool